NOV 2,9,16 Horse Drawn Wagon Rides through historic Baker City. Tickets are required. 541-523-1889
NOV 12-14 Willamette Valley AG Expo, Albany, OR
NOV 22- JAN 4 Magic of Lights, a unique and dazzling drive-through holiday lights experience. Salem, OR. www.magicoflights.com
NOV 23-24 McMinnville. Techincal Large Animal Emergency Rescue. Hosted by OR Horse Council.
DEC 5-7 Annual OCA Convention, Pendleton, OR
DEC 7 Union County Cattlemen's Annual Banquet, Union, OR.
DEC 24 Horse Drawn Wagon Rides through historic Baker City. Tickets are required. 541-523-1889
JAN 15-17 NW Ag Show. Oregon State Fair & Expo Center, Salem, OR
JAN 24-25 First Taste Oregon. Celebrate the best of what our state has to offer—one sip, one bite, and one unforgettable moment at a time. Salem, OR. https://firsttasteoregon.com/
JAN 28-30 WA & OR Potato Conference. Three Rivers Convention Center, Tri-Cities, Washington
FEB 14-15 Jurasic Quest Dinosaur Show, Salem, OR. https://www.jurassicquest.com/upcoming-events
FEB 22-23 Saltwater Sportfishing Show. Salem, OR.
MARCH 15-16 BrickFest Live 2025. Enjoy hands-on activities and LEGO attractions. Salem, OR. https://www.brickfestlive.com
MARCH 29 Spring Fling Horse Show. Salem, OR. APHA 4-judge Paint O Rama in conjunction with All Breed Classes. https://www.swwphc.com/
APRIL 26-27 Oregon Agricultural Fest, Oregon State Fairgrounds Salem, OR
SEPT 13-14, 2025 Bandon Cranberry Festival, Bandon, OR